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Determine Flow Rate of Your Submersible Well Pump Using Stopwatch Method

If you have a pressure tank and pressure switch it is possible to determine the flow rate of your submersible well pump. Follow the step listed below:

  1. Open a faucet, hopefully, one that is close to the pressure tank and pressure switch.
  2. As soon as you hear the pressure switch contacts close indicating that the pump has turned on, close the faucet.
  3. Start the stopwatch when the pump turns on and stop it when the pump turns off
  4. Divide the drawdown capacity of the pressure tank by the time elapsed from pump turn on to turn off. The result is the flow rate of the pump.

Sample Problem


  • 81 gallon pressure tank
  • 40/60 pressure switch
  • Pressure tank drawdown at 40/60: 21.7 gallons (specifications for WellXTrol tanks are listed below)
  • Elapsed time from pump turn on to pump turn off: 3 minutes


  • Flow rate = Pressure tank drawdown / Elapsed time
  • Flow rate = 21.7 gallons / 3 minutes
  • Flow rate = Approximately 7 gallons per minute

It is also possible to determine the horsepower of the motor. Check out our YouTube video by clicking on the link below.

Click here to see RC Worst YouTube video "What Pump is in my Well?"