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Do You Have Low Water Pressure?

Is your washing machine taking longer to fill when the sprinkler is on?

Is your shower sputtering when you run the dishwasher?

If the answer is yes to either of the questions above, you may want to consider the benefits of having a constant pressure water system. We, at RC Worst & Company are a Key Dealer for Franklin Electric. Franklin Electric is recognized as the world’s leading producer of submersible electric motors, and is a premier global manufacturer of pumping systems, drives and controls.

Private wells are great sources of water for homes, however it may not be the best source of water pressure. Private well systems are normally set up to run at a certain PSI (Pounds per square inch), which is typically 40 to 60 PSI. When the pressure drops to 40 PSI, the pump runs at one speed pumping water to the pressure tank. When the pressure reaches 60 PSI the pump shuts off. When your family uses water in the home the pressure drops until the tank reaches 40 PSI and the pump starts again. Think back to our dishwasher and shower question: Using both simultaneously could lead to a drop in water pressure, causing showers to sputter and washers to fill slowly.

Franklin Electric's constant pressure systems change the speed of the pump to meet the demand for water, while keeping pressure constant throughout the system. Instead of turning on and off when pressure tanks read a certain PSI, Franklin's constant pressure system keeps your tank at one pressure level, providing your home with a never ending steady flow of water. In a constant pressure system when water demand increases, pump speed increases and when water demand decreases, the pump speed decreases. To maintain pressure in the most efficient way possible the pump only runs as much as necessary to meet demand. Because of this, Franklin’s constant pressure systems do not require large pressure tanks for storage; smaller and lighter tanks can be used.

Homes served by municipal water typically receive their water from lines that run through the city connected to a water tower. Water pressure may vary depending on the distance from the main line or due to old infrastructure.

A constant pressure system is able to boost the pressure of your water and also provide consistent water pressure when there is demand from multiple sources simultaneously like a faucet, shower, and sprinklers.

Looking for the benefits of constant water pressure in your home? Call us today at RC Worst & Company.

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