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10 Tips for Operating Equipment in Winter

No one wants their equipment to break down. Especially in the winter. Starting today you can do these 10 simple things to ensure your vehicle is in good condition for the winter months. Every vehicle handles differently on snowy and icy surfaces. Take time to know your vehicle and how it operates. Keep yourself and others safe by following these 10 steps for winter vehicle operations.

  1. Let your vehicle warm up. Fluids, hoses, and wires, need to be warm to transfer energy to the needed components.
  2. Slow down. Frozen ground can cause wheels to slip at any moment.
  3. Clear off all windows so you can see what is going on around you.
  4. Do not touch frozen metal surfaces with your bare hands.
  5. Check your batteries often as they can freeze and cause damage.
  6. Check your fluids and make sure they are correct for winter.
  7. Do a safety check and a walk-around.
  8. Carry a winter emergency kit and check its contents.
  9. Defrost and maintain all parts of your equipment.
  10. Be aware of who and what is around you.

Tractor, Red, Log Building, Wooden